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FRLP believes if we do not protect the Shenandoah River, and our natural resources, what will we have left that is worth protecting? How often do we all recreate, swim, canoe, and fish in our river? Its' supply of fresh water literally provides life to our community and yet we continue to develop in ways that we know can be greatly improved? How important is it to do a better job protecting this community asset?
Community Design Concepts:
Chapter 175 - FRLP R1-A Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment, Lots & Setbacks, June 27, 2015
Chapter 148 - Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SLDO), Street Design, October 16, 2015
Chapter 175 - FRLP Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment, PND District, December 14, 2016
Learn More: Additional Organizations & Resources
“Joe Duggan stated… He had great concerns about the environmental issues with the subdivision ordinance as proposed… He stated that the watershed community created a scoring system that rated municipalities for their environmental impacts, and he explained the various scores of Front Royal.”
- Joe Duggan, Town Council Public Hearing: Chapter 148, Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance (SLDO), (Meeting Minutes) Feb. 23, 2015
Video - Town Council Public Hearing - Town Code Chapter 148 - SLDO, Minutes 34-51, Feb. 23, 2015
FRLP - Chapter 148 Special Exception - Streets, Town Planning Commission Approval (Minutes), June 15, 2016
Video - Town Council Public Hearing - FRLP Ch. 148 Special Exception - Streets, Minutes 24-57, Aug. 22, 2016
Video - Town Council Meeting (#2), Ch. 148 Special Exception - Streets, Minutes 10-23, Sept. 12, 2016
Video - Town Council Meeting (#3), Ch. 148 Special Exception - Streets, Minutes 23-27, Sept. 26, 2016
T.C. Meeting (#4 of 4) - Second Reading/Approval - Ch. 148 Special Ex. - Streets, Oct. 24, 2016